Instrumentation Technician Image

Our in-depth Instrumentation Technician training program equips you with the knowledge and practical skills required to excel in this critical role within the oil and gas industry.

Alpatech’s Instrumentation Technician training program provides you with the essential skills and knowledge to thrive in the dynamic oil and gas industry. Contact us today to learn more and take the first step towards a successful career.

Courses covered include:

Course: ATS 271
Description: Covers the function of basic devices for measuring and controlling different kinds of variables in process control. Introduces closed-loop control and PID functions. Introduces analog and digital devices and programmable logic controllers (PLCs). ISA and SAMA instrumentation symbols and interpretation and use of process diagrams are covered.
Duration: 3 days

Course: ATS 272
Description: Covers basic principles of measurement and defines process control terms. Describes several kinds of signals and displays and traces the path of a signal through the system. Explains the operation of transducers, transmitters, signal conditioners, converters, and recorders. Discusses specification details, conversion between English and SI units, calibration methods, and the maintenance of records.
Duration: 2.5 days

Course: ATS 273
Description: Covers units of pressure and discusses Boyle’s and Charles ‘ laws to explain relationships among pressure, volume, and temperature. Describes sensor operation of manometers, bourdon tubes, diaphragms, and bellows. Explains the operation of potentiometric, capacitive, reluctive, servo, strain-gauge, and piezoelectric transducers. Describes devices used in low-pressure control. Discusses proper and safe methods for installing and servicing pressure instruments.
Duration: 2.5 days

Course: ATS 274
Description: Covers force, stress, and strain and explains the operation of strain-gauge systems. Relates weight to mass and scales to balances. Explains the operation of load-cell scales. Describes belt-scale, nuclear-scale, and weigh feeder operation. Covers position measurements by means of proximity detection, air gauging, LVDT gauges, synchros, code disks, and other devices. Explains machine tool control and accelerometer operation. Describes the measurement of angular velocity and acceleration, vibration detection, and machinery balancing.
Duration: 2.5 days

Course: ATS 275
Description: Covers principles of fluid flow and how primary devices affect fluid flow. Describes flow measurement using several kinds of secondary devices. Discusses rotameters and other variable-area instruments. Explains how weirs, flumes, and other arrangements measure open-channel flow. Compares many kinds of positive-displacement meters and explains the operation of several kinds of turbine and magnetic flowmeters. Describes less-common flowmeters (including vortex-precession, mass flow, and ultrasonic devices) and instruments that meter the flow of solids. Provides guidelines for safe installation and maintenance of flow devices.
Duration: 5 days

Course: ATS 276
Description: Covers principles governing various methods of measuring level. Explains operation of conductive, capacitive, resistive, ultrasonic, and photoelectric devices. Compares the operation of several kinds of pressure-head instruments. Explains the measurement of solids by ultrasonic, microwave, radiation, and other methods. Discusses several special-application devices for both continuous and point level measurement.
Duration: 5 days

Course: ATS 277
Description: Covers units in thermal measurement and operation of RTDs (and wheatstone bridges), thermistors, and thermocouples and thermometers. Includes principles of pyrometry and operation of narrowband, broadband, and bandpass pyrometers. Discusses calibration standards, typical calibrating methods, and instrument testing.
Duration: 5 days

Course: ATS 278
Description: Covers principles, installation, calibration, and maintenance of conductivity probes, and methods of stack gas monitoring. Includes how to install, calibrate, and maintain pH and ORP measurement instruments and operation, installation, calibration, and maintenance of several optical analyzers. Discusses principles and safe practices governing sensors used in measuring oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other products of combustion. Concludes with operation, calibration, and system components in liquid and gas chromatography.
Duration: 5 days

Course: ATS 279
Description: Covers how elements in a closed-loop system affect final control element. Describes components in final control subsystems. Discusses operations of solenoids, motors, relay systems, and PLCs. Explains pneumatic actuators and positioners. Describes mechanical advantage in several hydraulic control systems. Compares construction, characteristics, and applications of eight control valves. Traces operation of each element in typical feedwater, turbine, and robotic control systems.
Duration: 5 days

Course: ATS 280
Description: Covers the responsibilities of employer, employee, and regulatory agencies in maintaining safety. Discusses ways of identifying and handling chemical, electrical, biological, radiation, and mechanical hazards. Discusses importance of maintenance (including calibration) and proper record keeping. Describes use of common electrical and electronic test instruments. Offers guidelines for handling heavy equipment, decontaminating and servicing pneumatic and hydraulic equipment, and troubleshooting.
Duration: 2.5 days

Course: ATS 281
Description: Covers the purposes and kinds of controllers and their relationship to other components in process control systems. Explains the concepts of current-, position-, and time-proportioning control. Compares the operation of several kinds of controllers. Describes the operation of proportional, integral, and derivative modes, and discusses tuning procedures for each. Discusses cascade, feedforward, ratio, and auctioneering control systems as well as other operations. Describes ways to eliminate or reduce controller problems.
Duration: 2.5 days

Course: ATS 282
Description: Covers definition of control loop terms and characteristics. Includes specific examples of operation of control loops of many kinds. Discusses proportional, integral, and derivative modes in detail. Describes advanced control methods by means of four strategies with specific examples. Examines the effects of loop dynamics on system stability.
Duration: 2.5 days

Course: ATS 283
Description: Covers mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and telemetric data transmission methods. Discusses indicators, other devices, and methods used for electrical/electronic data transmission in detail. Compares methods and standards for parallel and serial digital data transmission. Describes optical isolation and the operation of optical data transmission systems in detail. Provides specific methods for preventing common kinds of data transmission interference.
Duration: 2.5 days

Course: ATS 284
Description: Covers the evolution of today’s process control computer systems. Compares smart components to older conventional system devices. Covers the architecture (hardware and software), configuration, and operation of distributed control systems in depth (two entire lessons) by using as an example a typical DCS controlling an ice cream plant. Defines common terms used in today’s integrated plant and discusses the integration of discrete and continuous processes with plant business functions.
Duration: 2.5 days

Course: ATS 285
Description: Prepares technicians to take full advantage of vendor training on specific equipment. Covers the basic operating principles of all PLCs, their inputs and outputs, programming, maintenance, and networking.
Duration: 3.5 days

Ready to get started?

For general training inquiries or course details, please email or call +234 805 314 0317 to reach a training coordinator.