Flare Ignition Using Flare Guns Image



Training For Flare Ignition

A flare is a critical mechanical piece of equipment intended for the safe, reliable and efficient discharge and combustion of gases and materials from pressure-relieving and vapor-depressurizing systems. Since it is critical to the safety of an operating plant, a flare should be continuously available with high reliability and capable of its intended performance through all operating plant emergency conditions, including a site-wide general power failure or whole plant emergency trip

Flaring is a combustion control process for gases (such as flammable gases and hydrocarbons) in which the gases are piped to a remote, usually elevated, location and burned in an open flame in the open air using a specially designed burner tip (often flare stack tip), auxiliary fuel and steam or air to promote mixing for nearly complete destruction.

Course Overview:

Introduction and Course Description:

Alpatech Training Centre  is a fully equipped technical and safety training facility with focus on delivering a comprehensive training solution for adequate competency assurance in all skills and knowledge required to safely conduct the oil and gas operations in the safest manner possible and to ensure that it contributes positively to the ever alarming need of human capacity development and at the same time ensuring total safety in the Oil and Gas industry.

This Training also seeks to equip all personnel performing flare ignition on the inspection and safe handling of flare guns and cartridges before, during and after flare lighting operations; including the safe storage of all the controlled items

Course Content:

  • Log out and tag out
  • Gas Sniffing and testing around the firing vicinity.
  • Permit to work requirements.
  • Secure locking device
  • Precautions
  • Hazard
  • Personal safety protection
  • Safe storage, display and transporting

Personnel Performance Assessment:

Personnel will be assessed against the learning outcomes specified using direct observation and oral and/or written questions as appropriate.

Ready to get started?

For general training inquiries or course details, please email training@alpatechlimited.com or call +234 805 314 0317 to reach a training coordinator.